Adding heat without sex

Usually, my characters are from two different worlds, two completely different ways of thinking about things, and they need to find common ground before they can be together. I like to see the fusion of things that ordinarily wouldn't fit, but finding something that brings them together in a way that isn't just believable, but inevitable. The guys were meant to be together, and falling in love is a natural journey for them.
Of course, it's also fun to see what they do once they finally reach the point where they have sex. Even though my novels aren't erotic, I've included sex in some of my writing which is a lot of fun. Adding heat in other ways is what gets my mind working and makes me care about the relationship so much more.
The most fun I have as a writer is seeing my characters really surrender to the love they're feeling for each other. I want them to have earned the intimacy, not just jump into bed together (even though some of my characters do this, it's usually not the end of their journey, but the start of some new challenge for them). Most of all, I want to see the happily-ever-after, the kiss that seals the deal, the rush of euphoria when everything comes together and culminates in true love.